User:Katarzyna Derwinska

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Education 2004-2007 PhD at Technical Chemistry Department of Technical University Vienna, Austria.finished with distinction on 23.04.2007. Thesis: Hydrogel surfaces: development, characterization and application in protein chips. 1997-2002: Warsaw University, Chemistry Department, Poland profile: Analytical Chemistry Specialisation: Analytical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in biosensors Thesis: Prussian Blue modified electrode for glucose biosensor 1993-1997: Secondary School, Poland

Professional experience September’07-December’07 Postdoctoral Associate in Baylor Collage of Medicine, Houston, TX, USA June’07 - present Assistant Professor in Institute of Mother and Child, Cytogenetics Dept., Warsaw. Profile: Revealing the genetic basics of human disorders using karyotyping, FISH, MLPA and CGH (including aCGH with the use on Agilent and Nimblgen platform) March’04 – April’07 PhD at Austrian Research Centers in Seibersdorf Profile: Sensors (microarrays) for detection of mycotoxins, pharmaceuticals, bacteria and pesticides in food and optimizing polymer supports for microarrays including surface research (microscopy, AFM, profilometry, contact angle measurements) Aug ’02 – March’04 Young Research Staff, Industrial Chemistry Research Institute, Detergents Department, Warsaw, Poland Responsibilities: leading of biodegradation process of surfactants and preparing quality management documents for accreditation for EN 17025 Sep ’01 - June ’02: English teacher in primary school March’00 – May’00: Socrates – Erasmus Fellowship in Coimbra (Portugal) ended with thesis: Flow injection analysis of L-glutamic acid with electrochemical detection” June ’00 - Aug ’01: temporary job in a cosmetics factory

Posters and oral presentations: 2010 III Polish Congress of Genetics, Lublin, Poland. Poster: Use of oligonucleotide microarray in identification of genes related to mental retardation. 2010 III Polish Congress of Genetics, Lublin, Poland. Poster: oligonukcleotide array CGH in ertiopathogenesis of epilepsia. 2010 III polski kongres geneyki, Lublin, Poland. Poster: Use of MLPA for rapid prenatal diagnostic of anueuploidy 13, 18, 21, X i Y 2010 III Polish Congress of Genetics, Lublin, Poland. Poster: Oligonucleotide array CGH for identification of genes related to autism Wyniki u 64 pacjentów. 2010 III Polish Congress of Genetics, Lublin, Poland.Poster:Mucopolisacharidosis type II in 6mo boy with deletion at Xq27.2q28 2010 Genomic Disorders, Cambrige, Great Britian. Poster: Detection of clinically relevant exonic copy-number changes by array CGH 2010 Genomic Disorders, Cambrige, Great Britian.Poster: Clinical implementation of exon targeted oligonucleotide array CGH. A Polish experience with 70 cases. 2009 ACMG, USA. Poster: Challenges in interpreting microduplications detected by aCGH requires team work 2008 Genomic Disorders, Cambrige, Great Britian.Poster: Autistic features with speech delay in a girl with an ~1.5 Mb deletion in 6q16.1, including FUT9 and GPR63 2008 ASHG, Barcelona, Spain. Poster: Tandem duplications – identification and characterization using oligo-array-CGH and long-range PCR 2008 Neuroped, Warsaw, Poland. Poster: Speech delay in a girl with deletion of the FUT9 gene 2008 ACMG,USA.Poster: Array CGH and FISH identification of der(4)t(4;21)(q35.2;q22.13) in a girl with features of Down syndrome enables further delineation of the DSCR 2007 COST 868 Meeting, Sitges, Spain. Lecture:Functional polymeric surfaces for protein chips 2006 Particles 2006, May 13-16 Orlando, Floryda, USA. Poster: Hydrogels and Nanoparticles in Microarrays for food control 2005 7th Austrian Polymer Meeting, July4-6,Austria. Lecture: 3-dimentional polyurethane-based hydrogels for microarrays 2004 PhD Seminaruim at Bodenkultur Universität Wien,Austria.Poster: 3-dimentional polyurethane-based hydrogels for protein arrays 2002 9th ESEAC conference, June 9-13, poster: Development of Biological Sensor Based on Electrocatalytic Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide at Prussian Blue/Polymer Composite Film Publications Bartnik M, Derwińska K, Gos M, Obersztyn E, Kołodziejska KE, Erez A, Szpecht-Potocka A, Fang P, Terczyńska I, Mierzewska H, Lohr NJ, Bellus GA, Reimschisel T, Bocian E, Mazurczak T, Cheung SW, Stankiewicz P. Early-onset seizures due to mosaic exonic deletions of CDKL5 in a male and two females.Genet Med. 2011 Feb 4. Epub ahead of print

Boone PM, Bacino CA, Shaw CA, Eng PA, Hixson PM, Pursley AN, Kang SH, Yang Y, Wiszniewska J, Nowakowska BA, Del Gaudio D, Xia Z, Simpson-Patel G, Immken LL, Gibson JB, Tsai AC, Bowers JA, Reimschisel TE, Schaaf CP, Potocki L, Scaglia F, Gambin T, Sykulski M, Bartnik M, Derwinska K, Wisniowiecka-Kowalnik B, Lalani SR, Probst FJ, Bi W, Beaudet AL, Patel A, Lupski JR, Cheung SW, Stankiewicz P. Detection of clinically relevant exonic copy-number changes by array CGH. Hum Mutat. 2010 Sep 16.

Borg K, Bocian E, Bernaciak J, Nowakowska B, Derwińska K, Obersztyn E, Szczałuba K, Smigiel R, Kostyk E, Mazurczak T. Balanced chromosomal rearrangements resulting in intellectual disability. An analysis of 22 cases with application of CGH and FISH methodsMed Wieku Rozwoj. 2009 Apr-Jun;13(2):81-93.

Vissers LE, Bhatt SS, Janssen IM, Xia Z, Lalani SR, Pfundt R, Derwinska K, de Vries BB, Gilissen C, Hoischen A, Nesteruk M, Wisniowiecka-Kowalnik B, Smyk M, Brunner HG, Cheung SW, van Kessel AG, Veltman JA, Stankiewicz P. Rare pathogenic microdeletions and tandem duplications are microhomology-mediated and stimulated by local genomic architecture. Hum Mol Genet. 2009 Oct 1;18(19):3579-93.

Derwińska K, Smyk M, Cooper ML, Bader P, Cheung SW, Stankiewicz P. PTCH1 duplication in a family with microcephaly and mild developmental delay. Eur J Hum Genet. 2009 Feb;17(2):267-71.

Bernaciak J, Szczałuba K, Derwińska K, Wiśniowiecka-Kowalnik B, Bocian E, Sasiadek MM, Makowska I, Stankiewicz P, Smigiel R. Clinical and molecular-cytogenetic evaluation of a family with partial Jacobsen syndrome without thrombocytopenia caused by an approximately 5 Mb deletion del(11)(q24.3). Am J Med Genet A. 2008 Oct 1;146A(19):2449-54

Derwińska K, Bernaciak J, Wiśniowiecka-Kowalnik B, Obersztyn E, Bocian E, Stankiewicz P. Autistic features with speech delay in a girl with an approximately 1.5-Mb deletion in 6q16.1, including GPR63 and FUT9.Clin Genet. 2009 Feb;75(2):199-202.

Derwinska K, Gheber LA, Sauer U, Schorn L, Preininger C. Effect of surface parameters on the performance of IgG-arrayed hydrogel chips: a comprehensive study.Langmuir. 2007 Oct 9;23(21):10551-8.

Derwinska K, Sauer U, Preininger C. Reproducibility of hydrogel slides in on-chip immunoassays with respect to scanning mode, spot circularity, and data filtering.Anal Biochem. 2007 Nov 1;370(1):38-46.

Derwinska K, Gheber LA, Preininger C. A comparative analysis of polyurethane hydrogel for immobilization of IgG on chips.Anal Chim Acta. 2007 Jun 5;592(2):132-8.

Derwinska K , Miecznikowski K , Koncki R ,Kulesza PJ,Glab S ,Malik MA. Application of Prussian Blue Based Composite Film with Functionalized Organic Polymer to Construction of Enzymatic Glucose Biosensor; Electroanalysis 15;2003:1843-1849

Courses 2005 VII. Annual Linz Winter Workshop on ,,Single molecule techniques in biophysics and drug discovery’’, February 4-7 2004 ASCOS (Advanced Study Course on Optical Chemical Sensors), July 30 – August 10