User:Natalia Komissarova

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2008-present National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD Since July 2011 Staff Scientist, Molecular Regulation Section, Experimental Immunology Branch Molecular mechanisms regulating transcription of major histocompatiblity complex class I genes Before July 2011 Staff Scientist, Chromosome Biology Section, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Epigenetic control of higher-order chromatin assembly 2003-2008 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD Staff Scientist, Section on Microbial Genetics, Laboratory of Molecular Genetics Mechanisms for controlling gene expression in bacteria and bacteriophage 1997-2003 National Cancer Institute - Frederick Cancer Research and Development Center, Frederick, MD, Research Fellow, Molecular Mechanisms of Transcription Section, Gene Regulation and Chromosome Biology Laboratory Structure of S. cerevisiae and E.coli transcription elongation complex transcription termination 1993-1997 Public Health Research Institute, New York, NY Exchange Ph. D. Student, Basic mechanisms of transcript elongation by E. coli RNA polymerase 1991-1993 Institute of Molecular Genetics, Moscow, Russia Research Scientist, Heat shock proteins in E. coli

Ph. D. Institute of Molecular Genetics, Moscow, Russia and Public Health Research Institute, New York, NY 1997 M. S. Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia 1991